Squash vs. pumpkin

Inthekitchenthepumpkinistougher,bothskinandflesh.Thebutternutsquashisalsomuchsofterandsweeterandcanbeeasilymistakenforasweetpotato ...,anyhard-skinnedsquashcouldbecalledapumpkin—there'snobotanicaldistinctionthatmakesapumpkinapumpkin.ContinueAfter...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Butternut squash vs Pumpkin

In the kitchen the pumpkin is tougher, both skin and flesh. The butternut squash is also much softer and sweeter and can be easily mistaken for a sweet potato ...

So—What's the Difference Between Squash & Pumpkin?

any hard-skinned squash could be called a pumpkin—there's no botanical distinction that makes a pumpkin a pumpkin. Continue After Advertisement.

Squash vs. Pumpkin

But in the U.S., some squashes are considered squash only – such as spaghetti squash or delicata squash, which are not considered pumpkin at all ...

Understanding the Difference Between Pumpkin and Squash

The most edible part of a pumpkin is the seeds, which is different from most other types of squash.

What are the differences between a pumpkin and a squash?

The main difference would be the appearance and skin texture. The pumpkin stem is very hard and jagged, whilst the squash stem is a little hollow and much lighter and softer . Otherwise, they both belong to the same plant genus, Cucurbita, but variet

What Are the Differences Between Gourd vs Squash vs Pumpkin

Gourds tend to be small, while squash are more medium-sized, with pumpkins generally being the largest of the three. Pumpkins though, as we all ...

Pumpkin or Squash?

In Australia, most winter squashes are simply called pumpkins. The word “squash” is commonly used for the summer squashes.

Pumpkin vs. Squash terminology question

Basically, all pumpkins are squash but not all squash are pumpkins. Here in North America, I'd say that in order to be a pumpkin it has to have ...

Pumpkin vs. Squash: What's the Difference?

For starters, pumpkins are often larger and rounder than most squashes or gourds, although there are exceptions.


Inthekitchenthepumpkinistougher,bothskinandflesh.Thebutternutsquashisalsomuchsofterandsweeterandcanbeeasilymistakenforasweetpotato ...,anyhard-skinnedsquashcouldbecalledapumpkin—there'snobotanicaldistinctionthatmakesapumpkinapumpkin.ContinueAfterAdvertisement.,ButintheU.S.,somesquashesareconsideredsquashonly–suchasspaghettisquashordelicatasquash,whicharenotconsideredpumpkinatall ...,Themostedi...